Thanks For The Lessons 2020
I know, I know - it's too late for this post Karla, but is it really?
So many things (and also nothing) happened in 2020. As I sit here while a "Stay At Home" order is mandated in Ontario and living our second province wide lockdown, I can't help but THANK 2020 for opening my eyes to a lot of things - both good and bad.
Depending on where you were in the world in the beginning of 2020 - you also went through nation wide lockdowns, fear of the unknown and trying to come to terms with the fact that in 2020, we are living through a pandemic! Never in a million years did I ever think I would be alive for something as big as this.
I'm certain I'm not the only one who felt scared, nervous, mad and just plain NOT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS GOING ON! On March 2020 - we entered our first lockdown where I lost my job and was put under temporary lay-off. I'm not going to lie the first 7 days were the hardest! I couldn't understand how a company I worked 13 years for just said; you have to go on EI. I was mad, felt neglected and all I could think about was - I have bills to pay and a dog to provide for! I was negative about everything that was happening around me and over all that lead to; over sleeping, eating bad, watching all the bad unfold on the news all the while just putting all my energy into being negative!
Fast-forward two weeks into not having a job and not being able to do anything - I woke up one day and really said "what am I doing?" When will I have the opportunity to re-do things around the house, train our dog, enjoy outside and TAKE CARE OF ME. That was the most important self-realization I needed! Forget about the money (although the Relief Fund wasn't so bad) and forget about the continuous bad news that fed through our TV!
I wanted to take a few moments to THANK 2020 for changing my outlook and mindset. During the month's I was off work I was able to really self-reflect, re-evaluate and check in with myself. I was also able to re-set and truly be grateful for what I have.
The 3 months I was able to spend with myself and my dog (my significant other is an essential worker in the automotive field so he continued to go to work) really drew me closer to setting goals, accepting things I have no control over and shifting to a more positive attitude.
So here's to 2020! Thank you for teaching me that there's more to life than "always wanting things" and that once you start to change your outlook and protect your peace - the whole world looks a lot more different!
What have you taken away from 2020? (Comment below)
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